In exchange for a free trip* (including food, gear, permits, and some free basic gear rentals) you can help us with some of the following:
- Post about your trip on your social media (Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, X, etc.).
- Tag Lasting Adventures and use our hashtags in any post related to the preparation for the trip, including travel to the meeting location.
- Tag Lasting Adventures and use our hashtags in any post related to the trip itself.
- Tag Lasting Adventures and use our hashtags in any post related to reflection on the adventure, including travel home from the meeting location.
- Write one blog post about your preparations for a backpacking trip in the wilderness.
- To include photos. This will be directly posted on our website as a guest author. If you choose to post the same blog on your own website, you must link back to the original post on our website.
- Write one blog post about the experience itself with inclusions about returning to normal life after a wilderness backpacking adventure.
- To include photos. This will be directly posted on our website as a guest author. If you choose to post the same blog on your own website, you must link back to the original post on our website.
- Provide Lasting Adventures with access to the photos and videos taken during your backpacking trip. All media used will be given photo credit. Corner watermarks are acceptable.
*We are open to modifications to the expectations above based on your experience/presence. Feel free to apply, and let’s start the discussion!
*You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the meeting location (likely Yosemite or Olympic National Parks). No transportation (airfare, shuttle, car rental, etc.) is included.