Exhausted and feeling as if though they could not go much further, the group of seven boys, five girls, and three leaders cautiously inched upwards along the granite “shoulder” leading to the summit of Clouds Rest at 9,926’ in Yosemite National Park. This group of 13- through 15-year-olds, most from the Western U.S., had already hiked almost 4 steady uphill miles on this day which had begun with a morning stretch besides one of the three reflective Sunrise lakes. Upon reaching the top of this lesser known, and somewhat intimidating peak, the group became mesmerized by the awesome panorama. “You mean we climbed all of that?” asked one of the participant’s with pride and disbelief, “This is just awe-inspiring, and look we are higher than Half Dome.” These young teens were on day 4 of a 6-day summer adventure camp, facilitated by Lasting Adventures, Inc., that would take them almost 40 miles and past many high alpine lakes, rivers, peaks, and spectacular scenery.

Otherwise known as the Yosemite High Country Adventure, our summer camp program will mark its 18 year anniversary this 2014 season. Over this time we have guided thousands of youth ages 10-18 on memorable backpacking adventures in and around the Yosemite backcountry. While having fun, making new friends, and learning about the outdoors, these one and two week-long excursions focus on adventure based programming and positive youth development. Staffed by professional educators and naturalists, our mission is to use the natural environment and metaphors in adventure to teach youth the necessary skills and attitudes for living successful lives. Through safe risk taking opportunities, participants will be challenged to improve their sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. Along with creating lasting memories, it is our goal that participants will finish this adventure with a greater knowledge of themselves, the world, and the environment around them.
We are now offering 20% off summer camp registrations through April 1, 2014. Check out more information here on Yosemite’s best summer camp option.