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Yosemite Lodging

Yosemite National Park Lodging Options

This is only a partial list of lodging in/around Yosemite. Please feel free to search for more options by searching the respective city/community.

For reservations within Yosemite National Park, contact Yosemite Hospitality central reservations:

For other options within the parks boundaries (along Hwy 41/Southern Yosemite) visit:

Hwy 120 West (Groveland/Sonora): Hwy 120 Chamber of Commerce

Hwy 140 (Mariposa/Merced): Yosemite Mariposa County Tourism

Hwy 41 (Oakhurst/Fresno): Southern Yosemite Visitors Bureau

Hwy 120 East (Tioga Pass/Lee Vining) Lee Vining Chamber of Commerce

**Partial list only. Other options are available in each community.

LA Times Blog: Hotels near Yosemite that won’t blow your budget

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